Nurturing talent has been a core focus for MOBILITAS since its inception. Now, guided by Chief Operating Officer Paul Massardier, the Group is taking this a step further by teaming up with NQT (Nos Quartiers ont du Talent, Our Neighbourhoods have Talent), a French non-profit founded in 2006 by Yazid Chir, entrepreneur and Chairman of MEDEF 93 Ouest.
The association aids young graduates (under 31 years of age) from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in their job search via a unique mentorship scheme that consists of one-on-one guidance and work-study programmes. NQT has already supported 73 645 young people since its foundation, thanks to its 1 025 corporate sponsors and the commitment of 14 000 mentors.
Reaching out to different profiles
MOBILITAS will use the partnership to tackle recruitment issues by reaching out to candidates who may otherwise have been overlooked. The partnership covers the French overseas territories, overseen by François Chataigne, the Regional Director.
Mobilitas views diversity as an opportunity to create value. The Group is therefore committed to providing free, personalised support for young NQT candidates through specific mentoring.
“We want to empower young people who – because of their background – haven’t had access to the same opportunities as others,” explains Philippe Rocuet, Director of the Physical and Digital Records Management Division. “Being an NQT sponsor aligns with our CSR objectives: the promotion of equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion.”
An asset for mentors
Although the Group will use the partnership to raise awareness for its records management and removals businesses as well, it’s primary purpose will be to fill vacancies in records management consultancy. Recruitment will focus on candidates with three years of tertiary education and a background in records management. MOBILITAS aims to recruit between ten and twenty people for this division over the next two years.
This approach also benefits the group’s existing teams. It gives experienced managers the opportunity to mentor programme participants on a voluntary basis. It’s an experience that allows them to pass on their knowledge, exchange ideas with young graduates from different backgrounds and boost the company’s creativity and innovation.